Hungerford & District U3A

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Annual General Meeting 9 July 2024


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2023 AGM
  3. Chair’s report
  4. Treasurer’s report and Accounts
  5. Membership subscriptions for 2024/5
  6. Election of Officers and Committee
  7. Any other business

Chair’s Report 2024

This year our membership has remained static and now stands at nearly 190.  Again, we lost some members for a variety of reasons, but we have seen between 20 – 30 join during the year, some having moved into the area but others who are more long standing residents.

Our theatre trips and outings continue to be popular, and we have seen two productions at Southampton and one at Oxford.  We have also had outings to Hilliers Gardens, Bletchley Park and Sezincote House.

We continue to hold monthly coffee mornings with speakers on alternate months.  The latter have included a talk from the Marie Curie charity and the Children’s Air Ambulance.  We were also pleased to welcome Lord David Owen who gave a fascinating, if worrying, talk on Putin’s Russia and an overview of world politics.  Our December meeting was another very popular Christmas tea party.

Our Groups continue to do well and include two Book Groups, a Gardening Group and a Chess Group.  Others have been suggested but the difficulty can be finding Leaders!

During my first year as Chairman, I have been very well served by several Committee members who are now standing down.  Linda, who has been our membership Secretary, Margaret who has organised our theatre trips and Sylvia who has organised our speakers and also been a member of the Social Committee.  She has also been ever present at our coffee mornings and, along with Linda provided the hospitality.  She has been on hand to prompt me on the names of members attending although I have been less good at remembering these names!  Elaine, our Groups Co-ordinator is also leaving as she is relocating to Suffolk.  She has been instrumental in helping up understand the workings of Beacon so that we can use it to its full potential.

I am pleased that Jenny is staying on the committee and is organising our Speakers and Gill is remaining as our minutes Secretary. Richard is remaining as our Treasurer and  Brian is also staying on the committee and is responsible for running the website.  I am also pleased to report that we have had nominations for people to replace those standing down. We would always welcome ideas and help from any members.

As relative newcomers to Hungerford, we have been pleased to be involved in a very thriving U3A and hope to continue for a few more years.


Accounts 2024

Subscriptions 3503.00
Theatre Trips 2611.50
Outings 2640.00  
Membership Fees 692.00
TATT Adjustment 22/23 406.77
Beacon Database 176.00
Hall Hire – Town & Manor 1641.03
Speakers 440.00
Printing Costs 125.00
Postage 54.00
Catering 303.61
Misc Expenses 107.20
Theatre Trips 2590.50
Outings 2630.00  
Income less Expenditure -411.61
Opening Balance at Bank 3580.17
Petty Cash 41.98  
Closing Balance at Bank 3168.56
Petty Cash 52.50  


Forecast 2024/5

Membership Subscriptions: 3750
Third Age Trust  700
Beacon 185
Town & Manor 950
Speakers 450
Catering 350
Other Expenses 250
Total 2885
Surplus 865

Membership Subscriptions are to remain at £18 and if a Member of another U3A will be £14 , and if joining after the 1st April 2025 the Subscription is reduced to £9.

Those who have opted to receive the Third Age Matters magazine will be asked to confirm this on their renewal form at an additional cost of £4.



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Hungerford and District U3A
held on 18th July 2023

Venue; The Corn Exchange, Hungerford

50 members attended.

> Apologies for Absence

Apologies received from 10 members.

> Previous Minutes and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th July 2022, were approved.

> Chair’s Report

The Chair’s written report is appended.

BD thanked the retiring Treasurer, Jeff Riggs for all his hard work on behalf of the U3A, both as Treasurer and Chair. He also thanked all committee members for their efforts during the last 12 months.

> Treasurer’s Report and Accounts

The retiring Treasurer was unable to attend, but his Treasurer’s Report and Accounts are appended and were presented by the Chair. The accounts are awaiting audit. The main costs are the hire of rooms and speakers, something the committee is reviewing. Reserves stand at £1500 - £2000. The accounts were approved.

> Membership Subscriptions for 2023/24

It was proposed that the annual subscription should be increased to £18. The included subscription to Third Age Matters magazine has been removed.

The proposal was approved.

> Election of Officers and Committee

After 3 years as Chair of Hungerford & District U3A, Brian Davis announced that he was stepping back. He will continue in the role of Vice Chair.

Katherin Daking was elected to take over as Chair and Richard Daking was elected as Treasurer.

Other committee members agreed to stand for re-election (Linda Pateman -Secretary, Sylvia Breadmore, Margaret Barter, Jenny Knight, Elaine Outlaw). All were re-elected.

> Any other business:

Linda Pateman proposed a vote of thanks to Brian Davis for his hard work on behalf of U3A members during the three years of his Chairmanship.


© Hungerford & District U3A 2024