Hungerford & District U3A

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Are you recently - or indeed long - retired, or winding down from full-time employment and looking for new interests? Or to take up again the interests you’ve never had the time to pursue?

The University of the Third Age is all about bringing like-minded people together in small interest groups to explore learning opportunities in almost every subject you can think of, from Aromatherapy to Zoology!

There are well over a thousand U3As in the UK with more than 400,000 members. Each one is run on a 'self-help' basis with individual groups deciding how to go about exploring something new, and sharing valuable life experience and expertise. There is no pressure to impose a formal learning pattern – it’s all about establishing an informal, enjoyable way to learn with and from each other about a topic of mutual interest.

You can find out a lot more about U3A from the National website.

Video from a few years ago ...

© Hungerford & District U3A 2024