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Questionnaire Results Summary July 2022

  1. Over 50% of members responded
  2. 85% interested in groups
  3. 50% interested in general events
  4. For general events, an equal preference for the various options – theatre, gardens, museums, city tours
  5. Cost preference for events centred on £60, to include transport and tickets
  6. New group ideas wide ranging with very few common ideas. Also some suggestions where we have existing groups(!) and many others covered by different providers in Hungerford
  7. General comments mainly indicated  that meeting others, having fun and education are primary goals

Response generally confirmed existing direction and planning.
Opportunity to form new groups if three members committed.
Try to compile a list of non-U3A activity providers for members to access.
Theatre trips most difficult due to cost constraints, but more general ‘outings’ to be considered and arranged.


© Hungerford & District U3A 2024